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Wisdom Work Weekends

A few times throughout the year we gather over the course of four days to bring our inner work under the conditions of on-the-ground group work. This is time to let the rubber meet the road. A great teacher once said, "I've had my coffee? There is a God! No coffee? No God." Or in other words, if I'm left alone I'm a saint, but if faced with others, my inner work goes out the window. So these weekends are a safe container for intentionally addressing the disconnect between spiritual work and real life. 


General Schedule

A typical day begins with a morning meeting where we set a theme for the day and have a contemplative exercise. We spend the bulk of the morning doing manual labor on the property and introduce a series of disciplines for maintaining presence. The afternoons alternate between teachings, small group discussion and free periods. We spend an hour or two each day working with movement and gesture and collect after dinner for debriefing the day. As is always the case, all participants are responsible for pulling off the event itself, from cleaning and laundry to preparing meals. 

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