Family Camp
Learning to be a worthy life partner and parent, maintaining your household, working at your job, and attending to your spiritual life all at once is a demanding experience. At Family Camp we learn hands-on how all of this isn't mutually exclusive, but can be integrated, both in our own spiritual lives, and that of our families. Together we work with (and create new!) tools for spiritual grounding that involve adults and children, both in their own right, and together.
We believe life is our best teacher. So at Family Camp we do life together and feel the energizing presence of other families around us working to grow both their inner and outer life. An opportunity to focus on spiritual development alongside your partners and children within the folds of beloved community.
Children's Work is perhaps the most significant element of camp and every adult attending (whether you have kids or don't) is expected to be a part of this. Running a merit badge elective, taking them on a contemplative hike, building things, baking deserts, camping overnight in tents... One of the chief values we espouse for our kids is that they are never "kept busy." This week we commit as a community to involving them in work that means something significant to everyone. That may be setting up the campfire space or making decorations for the meeting space. It could be taking on the baking of dessert or even preparing a whole meal for the camp. The satisfaction we all feel when we have been seen and invited and contributed meaningfully to a successful project, is just as impactful, if not more, to our young.
We are committed to sharing other responsibilities among all the participants as well — heading up the kitchen team for a meal, leading the tent camping, digging in the garden, running our famous courier system, cleaning up after campfires, offering a creative contribution... coming to Family Camp means committing to helping make the whole thing run. We have seen time and again how much truth the old maxim holds:
Tell me, and I'll forget.
Teach me and I'll remember.
Involve me and I'll understand.
If it sounds like work, it is. But what a blessed work.
General Schedule
Quiet breakfast
Campwide morning meeting, set Theme for the day.
Kids to Children's Work
Adult contemplative sit then to practical work,
Campwide rest
Adults to afternoon activities, kids to Children's Work
Campwide evening activity.
*Please note that at present, Family Camp is invite only. Please do let us know your interest using the registration link and someone will be in touch with you to have a conversation and answer any questions you may have. We are committed to the absolute safety and stability of the container we create for our families, and so while there is still some room this year, we are only able to register you after a more formal application and/or discussion. We trust your understanding and look forward to the dialogue!