Andrew and Mariah Breitenberg
Andrew and Mariah are lifelong seekers of truth. After living abroad in Amsterdam and Cape Town for 10 years, they moved back to the US (with two youngsters in tow) to rejoin their families. Mariah works with flowers, founding and running Gather, a floral design company in Virginia Beach. Andrew is a teacher of practical spiritual work and the Executive Director of our organization. He was mentored by Richard Rohr (2013-14), after which he joined an early iteration of The Living School in Albuquerque, NM. He has worked closely with Cynthia Bourgeault since 2016 and Joseph Azize since 2019.
Andrew's professional website can be found here.
Chris Breitenberg
Chris is the Chair of Parallel Group's Board. He focuses his life’s work at the meeting place of peace-building and personal and community agency. This pursuit has led him to positions running leadership training programs in South Asia, directing a communications department for an international NGO and working with Andrew on all manner of adventurous pursuits. He currently heads up the national work of Rising Tide Capital, a nonprofit focused on transforming lives and communities through entrepreneurship.
Chris is a graduate of Davidson College with a degree in Religion, a writer of music and liturgy and lover of food. He is a husband to Amber and a father to two beautiful daughters, Mirabai and Wren.
David Finn
David Finn is a CPA and serves on the Board of Parallel Group as our Treasurer. He is a husband and a father and is passionate about truth, conscious outdoor labor, and fire building.
Advisory Board
We are continually forming our Advisory Board. If you have an interest in coming alongside us in this capacity, please reach out.
Matthew Hutchins​
Matthew Hutchins is a husband and arborist that has always been seeking to go deeper into life. Matthew has found working outside to be a pathway towards oneness with our earth and spiritual work. He loves caring for people and learning about our connection to this world.
Kyle Anderson​
Kyle loves to learn about the people around him and help enable self-expression. He works as a facilitator engaging with political polarization and community well-being and serves as a camp counselor at adaptive camps for children with chronic illnesses.
Art Ross​
Art is interested in incorporating spiritual teachings into life. He has years of experience in professional camp settings developing learning programs for children at Camp Wamava and Camp Rockmont for Boys.